NDNEEL2s&*%Title :%% Authors :%%Author :%%Corporate author :%% University :% %Thesis advisor :%%Publication year :%% Language :%2% Abstract :%%Pagination/Size :%%SIGLE classification :%% Keyword(s) :%%Document type :%%handle :%% Provenance :%% Get a copy :%% Country :%% Discipline :%% Relation :%%Other identifier :%%Availability :%DD[ ] - . D edited by by H H: , USA [ ] , U.S.A. D[ ] , D DDD p. ; : p Dby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition H DHD: DDDScale DDDSLSDL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DH / [ ] S : . [ ] / , w%   {NONE}Title:  = OpengreyTXTOpenGrey exportInstructions:- On the page for the item you require (OpenGrey only allows this at reference level, so you cannot export the whole search results list in one go) Highlight the text, starting with the “Title:”, all the way to the end of the last piece of tabulated data Copy it Open Notepad Paste the text in Save the file In EndNote go to ‘File/Import’ Select the file you just saved Select this filter A new reference comes in as an “Unpublished” type.  Open Greyou just saved Select this filter A new reference comes in as an “Unpublished” type.