ENDNENZ3&Ëÿÿÿÿ¡. AB Abstract:AF Affiliation:'AN Accession Number: AU Author:CA Corporate Author:CF Conference:CL Classification:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+EDEI Electronic ISSN:ER Environmental Regime: FE Features:ID Identifiers:IS ISSN: LA Language:2 NT Notes:NU Other Numbers:OT Original Title:. PB Publisher:PD Publication Date:PT Publication Type:PY Publication Year: SF Subfile:SL Summary Language:2 SO Source:* []. Vol. , no. , pp. .  20. SO Source:* []. Vol. , no. , pp. .  19. SO Source:' []. Vol. , no. , pp. . 20. SO Source:' []. Vol. , no. , pp. . 19. SO Source:! []. no. , pp. .  20. SO Source:! []. no. , pp. .  19. SO Source: []. no. , pp. . 20. SO Source: []. no. , pp. . 19. SO Source:" []. Vol. , pp. .  20. SO Source:" []. Vol. , pp. .  19. SO Source: []. Vol. , pp. . 20. SO Source: []. Vol. , pp. . 19. SO Source: []. pp. .  20. SO Source: []. pp. .  19. SO Source: []. pp. . 20. SO Source: []. pp. . 19. SO Source:%. Vol. , no. , pp. .  20. SO Source:%. Vol. , no. , pp. .  19. SO Source:". Vol. , no. , pp. . 20. SO Source:". Vol. , no. , pp. . 19. SO Source:. no. , pp. .  20. SO Source:. no. , pp. .  19. SO Source:. no. , pp. . 20. SO Source:. no. , pp. . 19. SO Source:. Vol. , pp. .  20. SO Source:. Vol. , pp. .  19. SO Source:. Vol. , pp. . 20. SO Source:. Vol. , pp. . 19. SO Source:. pp. .  20. SO Source:. pp. .  19. SO Source:. pp. . 20. SO Source:. pp. . 19. TI Title:TR Input Center, ASFA: UD Update:PT Publication Type:`Book Monograph` AB Abstract:AF Affiliation:'AN Accession Number: AU Author:CA Corporate Author: CF Conference:CL Classification:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+ED EI Electronic ISSN:ER Environmental Regime: FE Features:IB ISBN:IS ISSN: LA Language:2 NT Notes:NU Other Numbers:OT Original Title:. PB Publisher:PD Publication Date:PT Publication Type:PY Publication Year: SF Subfile:SL Summary Language:2 SO Source:  TI Title:TR Input Center, ASFA: UD Update: PT Publication Type: `Report` AB Abstract:  AF Affiliation: ' AN Accession Number:  AU Author:  CA Corporate Author:  CF Conference:  CL Classification:  DE Descriptors:  DN Database Name: / DO DOI: + ED  ER Environmental Regime:  FE Features:  ID Identifiers:  IS ISSN:  LA Language: 2 NT Notes:  NU Other Numbers:  OT Original Title: . PB Publisher:  PD Publication Date:  PT Publication Type:  PY Publication Year:  TR Input Center, ASFA:  SF Subfile:  SL Summary Language: 2 SO Source:  TI Title:  UD Update: PT Publication Type:`Patent` AB Abstract:AF Affiliation:'AN Accession Number: AU Author:CA Corporate Author: CF Conference:CL Classification:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+EDER Environmental Regime:ID Identifiers: LA Language:2 NT Notes:NU Other Numbers: Patent: NU Other Numbers:OT Original Title:.PD Publication Date:PT Publication Type:PY Publication Year: SF Subfile:SL Summary Language:2 SO Source: |,  20 SO Source: |,  19 SO Source: TI Title: UD Update:DD DDDby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition H DHD: DDDScale DDDSLS L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DDL D, US DSpecial Issue: D. il il D!Journal Article; Journal Article HHHS!Journal Article; Journal Article q‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ SO Source:• CSA Z3950.csa.comASFA Aquaculture Abstractsaquaculture-set-cF210 SUTRS Latin-1H?USERID1I ?PASSWORD1G000 â F Any Field*1016F Author*AUTH1003F Year*DATE31FTitle*4FKeywords*21FStandard Number*1007F All Fields*1035  _ASFA Aquaculture (CSA)CSAThis connection file is for the ASFA Aquaculture Abstracts database. LIMITATIONS 1. Some records are at once a book and a conference. Such records will import as a book; it is up to the user to decide whether to change the reference type to Conference Proceeding after importing.  _ASFA Aquaculture (CSA)CSAThis connection file is for the ASFA Aquaculture Abstracts database. LIMITATIONS 1. Some records are at once a book and a conference. Such records will import as a book; it is up to the user to decide whether to change the reference type to Conference Proceeding after importing.