ENDNENZ3&Äÿÿÿÿ}€Accession Number`Dissertation Abstract`Accession Number`Electronic Collection`Accession Number `Journal`Publication Type `Journal`AbstractAccession Number: .Accession NumberAuthor Broad Terms CABICODESCAS Registry NumbersCited ReferencesClassification CodeConference InformationConference NoteCorrespondence Address'Country of PublicationDigital Object Identifier+ Document TypeE-mail Address'EditorElectronic Subset CodeForm/Content TypeFormat AvailabilityFormat CoveredGeographic LocationGrant/Sponsorship Identifiers InstitutionISSN ISSN PrintISSN Electronic Journal URL Key ConceptsKey Phrase IdentifiersLanguage2Link to Parent Locally HeldLocation Media TypeMeeting MethodologyNumber of Cited ReferencesOrganism DescriptorsOriginal Title$Other PublishersPopulation GroupPopulation LocationPublication TypePublication Year Publisher Publisher URLSequence NumberSource|. . : , . Source|. . : , .Source|. . , . Source|. . , .Special FeatureSubject HeadingsTests & MeasuresTitle Update CodeURLYear of Publication¼DD DH DDDHDH DHDDDDSSH H, US D&, US: Univ Microfilms International . L* D: , Print Print H. DVol +http://dx.doi.org/ HSJournal article . d‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚ Source>>>>>‚‚‚‚‚ ‚‚‚‚} OvidSPz3950.ovid.com CAB AbstractscabaF210I ?PASSWORDH?USERIDG SUTRS11000 ANSEL â F Any Field*H101633211F Author*AUTH100333211F Year*DATE3133111FTitle*l/Secondary Title*4033111FJournal/Secondary Title*403321001F Exact Journal*403321001FKeywords*2133111FAbstract*on*62FAccession Number*17FISSN*8F Any Field*1016  FCAB Abstracts (OvidSP)OvidSPPublisher InformationSequence NumberSource6 (Ed); (Ed). (). |. (pp. ).  pp. : Source, (Ed). (). |. (pp. ).  pp. : Source'. (). |. (pp. ).  pp. : Source2 (Ed); (Ed). (). |. (pp. ).  pp. Source( (Ed). (). |. (pp. ).  pp. Source#. (). |. (pp. ).  pp. Source+ (Ed); (Ed); et al. (). , Vol. .Source8 (Ed). (). , Vol. . (pp. ). , US: . pp.Source/ (Ed). (). . (pp. ). , US: . pp.Source) (Ed); (Ed). (). . (pp. ). Source (Ed). (). . (pp. ). Source3 (Ed), (Ed). (). . (pp. ). : . p.Source= (Ed), (Ed.), (Ed). (). . (pp. ). : . p.Source* (Ed). (). . (pp. ). : . p.Source@ (Ed), (Ed), (Ed), et al. ().  (pp. ). : |. Source7 (Ed), (Ed), et al. ().  (pp. ). : |. Source. (Ed), et al. ().  (pp. ). : |. Source (pp. ). : |. Source; (Ed), (Ed), (Ed), et al. ().  (pp. ). : Source2 (Ed), (Ed), et al. ().  (pp. ). : Source) (Ed), et al. ().  (pp. ). : Source (pp. ). : SourceSpecial FeatureSubject HeadingsTable of ContentsTests & MeasuresTitle. ( ed.). Title[]Title[]Title Update CodeYear of Publication Accession Number `Edited Book` Abstract  Accession Number : . Accession Number  Author  Cited References  Classification Code  Corporate Authors  Correspondence Address ' Digital Object Identifier + Document Type  E-Mail Address ' Form/Content Type  Format Availability  Format Covered  Grant/Sponsorship  Institution ' Intended Audience  ISBN  Language 2 Link to Parent  Media Type  Methodology  Population Group  Population Location  Key Concepts  Key Phrase Identifiers  Number of Cited References  Original Title $ Other Publishers  Publication Type  Publication Year  Publisher Information  Sequence Number  Source  : . (). pp.  Source  : . (). pp. Source  : |. , pp.  Source  : |. , pp. Source  . (). pp.  Source  . (). pp. Source  |. , pp.  Source  |. , pp. Source  Special Feature  Subject Headings  Table of Contents  Tests & Measures  Title . ( ed.). Title [] Title [] Title  Update Code  Year of Publication  Accession Number `Report` Accession Number : . Accession Number  Abstract  Accession Number : . Accession Number  Author  Cited References  Classification Code  Corporate Authors  Correspondence Address ' Document Type  E-Mail Address ' Form/Content Type  Format Availability  Format Covered  Grant/Sponsorship  Institution  , . Institution  Intended Audience  ISBN  Key Concepts  Language 2 Link to Parent  Media Type  Methodology  Number of Cited References  Original Title  Other Publishers  Population Group  Population Location  Key Concepts  Key Phrase Identifiers  Publication Type  Publication Year  Publisher Information  Sequence Number  Source . Rpt No. , , . Source  Special Feature  Subject Headings  Table of Contents  Tests & Measures  Title [] Title [] Title  Update Code  Year of Publication »DD DH DDDHDH DHDDDDSSH H, US D&, US: Univ Microfilms International . L* D: , Print Print H. DVol SJournal; Journal H+http://dx.doi.org/ X‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚ {NONE}>>>>> ‚‚‚‚‚ ‚} OvidSPz3950.ovid.com CAB AbstractscabaF210I ?PASSWORDH?USERIDG SUTRS11000 ANSEL â F Any Field*H101633211F Author*AUTH100333211F Year*DATE3133111FTitle*l/Secondary Title*4033111FJournal/Secondary Title*403321001FExact Journal*403321001F Keywords*2133111F Abstract*on*62FAccession Number*17FISSN*8F Any Field*1016  ECAB Abstract (OvidSP)OvidSPs and series titles are presented together and separated by only a period; EndNote cannot tell where one ends and ther other begins. Users must manually move the series titles into the Series Title field after importing.