ENDNENZ3&åÿÿÿÿÆ AB Abstract:AF Affiliation:'AN Accession Number: AU Author:CA Corporate Author: CD CODEN:CE Collection Title:CFCL Classification:CP Country of Publication: CY Copyright:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+EDEI Electronic ISSN:EM Entry Month:ER Environmental Regime: FE Features:ID Identifiers:IS ISSN:JI Journal Issue:JP Journal Pages:JV Journal Volume: LA Language:2LL Latitude & Longitude: NT Notes:OT Original Title:.PBPD Publication Date:PT Publication Type:PY Publication Year:RL Resource Location:RP SF Subfile: SO Source:!, vol., no., pp.,  20 SO Source:!, vol., no., pp.,  19 SO Source:!, vol., no., pp.,  18 SO Source:, vol., no., pp., 20 SO Source:, vol., no., pp., 19 SO Source:, vol., no., pp., 18 SO Source:, no., pp.,  20 SO Source:, no., pp.,  19 SO Source:, no., pp.,  18 SO Source:, no., pp., 20 SO Source:, no., pp., 19 SO Source:, no., pp., 18 SO Source:, vol., pp.,  20 SO Source:, vol., pp.,  19 SO Source:, vol., pp.,  18 SO Source:, vol., pp., 20 SO Source:, vol., pp., 19 SO Source:, vol., pp., 18 SO Source:, pp.,  20 SO Source:, pp.,  19 SO Source:, pp.,  18 SO Source:, pp., 20 SO Source:, pp., 19 SO Source:, pp., 18 SO Source:", vol., no.,  pp.,  20 SO Source:", vol., no.,  pp.,  19 SO Source:", vol., no.,  pp.,  18 SO Source:, vol., no.,  pp., 20 SO Source:, vol., no.,  pp., 19 SO Source:, vol., no.,  pp., 18 SO Source:, no.,  pp.,  20 SO Source:, no.,  pp.,  19 SO Source:, no.,  pp.,  18 SO Source:, no.,  pp., 20 SO Source:, no.,  pp., 19 SO Source:, no.,  pp., 18 SO Source:, vol.,  pp.,  20 SO Source:, vol.,  pp.,  19 SO Source:, vol.,  pp.,  18 SO Source:, vol.,  pp., 20 SO Source:, vol.,  pp., 19 SO Source:, vol.,  pp., 18 SO Source:,  pp.,  20 SO Source:,  pp.,  19 SO Source:,  pp.,  18 SO Source:,  pp., 20 SO Source:,  pp., 19 SO Source:,  pp., 18 TI Title: UD Update:MT`Monograph Title`PT Publication Type:`Book;` AB Abstract:AF Affiliation:'AN Accession Number: AU Author:CA Corporate Author: CD CODEN:CE Collection Title:CFCL Classification:CP Country of Publication: CY Copyright:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+EDER Environmental Regime: FE Features:IB ISBN:ID Identifiers:IS ISSN: LA Language:2LL Latitude & Longitude:MT Monograph Title: NT Notes:OT Original Title:. PB Publisher: PD Publication Date: PG Pages:#PTPY Publication Year:RL Resource Location:RP SF Subfile: SO Source: pp., 20 SO Source: pp., 19 SO Source: pp., 18 SO Source:pp. SO Source: TI Title: UD Update:PT Publication Type:`Dissertation`PT Publication Type:`Thesis` AB Abstract:AF Affiliation:'AN Accession Number: AU Author:CA Corporate Author:CFCL Classification:CP Country of Publication: CY Copyright:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+EDEI Electronic ISSN:EM Entry Month:ER Environmental Regime: FE Features:IB ISBN:ID Identifiers:IS ISSN: LA Language:2LL Latitude & Longitude: NT Notes:ON Organization Name: OT Original Title:.PBPDPTPY Publication Year:RL Resource Location: SF Subfile: SO Source: pp.,  20 SO Source: pp.,  19 SO Source:  pp., 20 SO Source:  pp., 19 SO Source: TI Title: UD Update: PT Publication Type: `Report; Monographic` AB Abstract:  AF Affiliation: ' AN Accession Number:  AU Author:  AV  CA Corporate Author:  CD CODEN:  CE Collection Title:  CF  CL Classification:  CP Country of Publication:  CY Copyright:  DE Descriptors:  DN Database Name: / DO DOI: + ED  EI Electronic ISSN:  EM Entry Month:  ER Environmental Regime:  FE Features:  IB ISBN:  ID Identifiers:  IS ISSN:  LA Language: 2 LL Latitude & Longitude:  NT Notes:  OT Original Title: . PB  PD Publication Date:  PT  PY Publication Year:  RL Resource Location:  RP Report Number:  SF Subfile:  SP  SO Source: , Report: ,  pp., , 20 SO Source: , Report: ,  pp., , 19 SO Source: , Report: ,  pp., , 18 SO Source: , Report: ,  pp., 20 SO Source: , Report: ,  pp., 19 SO Source: , Report: ,  pp., 18 SO Source:  pp.,  20 SO Source:  pp.,  19 SO Source:  pp.,  18 SO Source:  pp., 20 SO Source:  pp., 19 SO Source:  pp., 18 SO Source:  TI Title:  UD Update:  MP Map: `Scale:` . `Type:` .  MP Map: `Scale:` . `Type:`  PT Publication Type: `Map` AB Abstract:  AF Affiliation: ' AN Accession Number:  AU Author:  CA Corporate Author:  CD CODEN:  CE Collection Title:  CF  CL Classification:  CP Country of Publication:  CY Copyright:  DE Descriptors:  DN Database Name: / DO DOI: + ED  EI Electronic ISSN:  EM Entry Month:  ER Environmental Regime:  FE Features:  FE Features:  IB ISBN:  ID Identifiers:  IS ISSN:  LA Language: 2 LL Latitude & Longitude:  MP Map:  NT Notes:  OT Original Title: . PB Publisher:  PD Publication Date:  PT  PY Publication Year:  RL Resource Location:  RP  SF Subfile:  SL  SO  SP  TI Title:  UD Update: õDD DDDby D*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition H DD: DDDDDSLS!L"L#L$L%L&L'DDDReport: D, US DSpecial Issue: D. D DDDScale: SL [ ] URL: D(USA) H [Monograph] DUnited States (USA) Ž‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚<<<<< Start of Record # Data: SO Source:| CSA Z3950.csa.comGeoRef georef-set-cF210 SUTRS Latin-1H?USERID1I ?PASSWORD1G000 â F Any Field*1016F Author*AUTH1003F Year*DATE31FTitle*4FKeywords*21FStandard Number*1007F All Fields*1035  U GeoRef (CSA)CSALIMITATIONS 1. Some conference-related records contain two title tags, which are both imported into the Title field. Users must manually move one of them (usually the second one) into the Notes field after importing. Other conference-related data will be imported into the Notes field as well. 2. Publisher data usually cannot be parsed; users must separate publisher and city manually after importing. 3. Some records have more than one reference type. Users may wish to change the reference type of such records after importing.