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" D" { } D" { } H" { } Dp. ; : p " { } L" { } H: , USA [ ] , U.S.A. " { } D [ ] , " { } D{ } #L{ } H" { } D0ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition " { } H{ } D" { } D{ } L" } { H{ } $L{ } %L{ } D{ } S{ } L" { } S" { } 1€'D" } { 3•{ } -€.D{ } 2S{ } /D{ } , D" { } , D(" { } undefined; +D" { } D: " { } D" { } Dedited by by { } Dby { } H / [ ] " { } s‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ ‚‚‚‚ ‚} {NONE}@  OBibTex (multiple sources) BibTeX formatN/AãBibTeX specifies names for types of entries (book, conference, article, etc.) and a set of fields in the reference (author, year, title, publisher, etc.). While these names are standard, their casing and spaces or tabs before fields are not. This filter is set up to import several different formats of BibTeX output. We highly recommend closely looking at the imported records in your downloaded file before use to determine if edits are needed prior to using this filter. If there are records in the file that do not match one of the formats in the filter, the file will not be imported. Usually this is due to the use of a tab or spaces at the beginning of each line of data. Note that Author names cannot be parsed correctly as BibTeX exports the word "and" between names. These can be edited after importing using EndNote's Find and Replace tool. In the Author field, replace " and " with a carriage return. This filter was adapted from one created by Imperial College with assistance of Clarivate staff. Output from Scopus, Web of Science, Engineering Village, Google Scholar, Refworks, Mendeley, medrxivr and Citavi (2018) was used to construct the templates.Developed by Angela Goldfinch (Imperial College) and Bob Green (Clarivate)BibTeX (multiple sources)'s 'Find and Replace' tool from the 'Edit' menu. 'Field = "Author", 'Find' = " and ", 'Replace' = 'Insert Special / Carriage Return'. NOTE: If you find nothing imports, it could be because the BibTeX source you are using has added indentation in some way to the start of each line od data (e.g. spaces or a tab). This may not be recognised, if so, you should use the 'Find and Replace' facility of your LaTeX editor to remove these before import Judicious editing of imported records is recommended. The filter works best for journal articles and books. Conference papers are particularly problematic as the quality of the original data can be incomplete/inconsistent. Developed by Angela Goldfinch (Imperial College) and Bob Green (Clarivate)BibTeX (multiple sources)