NDNEEL2s&®ÿÿÿÿh®´Abstract: Accession Number: Acquisition Source:Author: Call Number: City:  Copyright registration No.:Corporate Name: Database: /Description:  : Description:  ; Description: Dewey Class No.: Edition: Edition Information:Electronic File Info:Form/Genre: Geographic Area Code:Indexed In: ISBN: Keywords: Language Code: 2LC Classification: LC Control No.: Linked Items: Links: Location: Main Author: , 1Main Author: Main Title:  / Main Title: NAL Class No.: Notes: Number of Items: Number of Pages: Other Author(s): Other Title: Personal Name: Portion of Title: Published/Created:  ; : , .Published/Created: [ : , .]Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  [ , .]Published/Created:  , .Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , .Publisher: [ : , .]Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  [ , .]Publisher:  , .Publisher:  Quality Code: Record Number: Reference Type: Related Names: Related Titles: Reprint Edition: Responsibility: Series:  ; Series: Series Title:  ; Series Title: Status: Subject(s): Summary: Title: /Title: Translator:  Type of Material: Uniform Title: Variant Title: Volumes Owned: Year: ======Notes: `Thesis`Abstract: Accession number: Acquisition source:Author: Call Number: City:  Copyright registration No.:Corporate Name: Database: /Description:  : Description:  ; Description: Dewey Class No.: Edition: Edition Information:Electronic File Info:Form/Genre: Geographic Area Code:Indexed In: ISBN: Keywords: Language Code: 2LC Classification: LC Control No.: Linked Items: Links: Location: Main Author: , 1Main Author: Main Title:  / Main Title: NAL Class No.: Notes: Number of Items: Number of Pages: Other Author(s): Other Title: Personal Name: Portion of Title: Published/Created:  ; : , .Published/Created: [ : , .]Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  [ , .]Published/Created:  , .Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , .Publisher: [ : , .]Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  [ , .]Publisher:  , .Publisher:  Quality Code: Record Number: Reference Type: Related Names: Related Titles: Reprint Edition: Responsibility: Series: Series Title: Status: Subject(s): Summary: Title: /Title: Translator: Type of Material: Uniform Title: Variant Title: Volumes Owned: Year: ======Conference Name:  `conference`Abstract: Accession number: Acquisition source:Author: Call Number: City:  Copyright registration No.:Corporate Name: Database: /Description:  : Description:  ; Description: Dewey Class No.: Edition: Edition Information:Electronic File Info:Form/Genre: Geographic Area Code:Indexed In: ISBN: Keywords: Language Code: 2LC Classification: LC Control No.: Linked Items: Links: Location: Main Author: , 1Main Author: Main Title:  / Main Title: NAL Class No.: Notes: Number of Items: Number of Pages: Other Author(s): Other Title: Personal Name: Portion of Title: Published/Created:  ; : , .Published/Created: [ : , .]Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  [ , .]Published/Created:  , .Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , .Publisher: [ : , .]Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  [ , .]Publisher:  , .Publisher:  Quality Code: Record Number: Reference Type: Related Names: Related Titles: Reprint Edition: Responsibility: Series:  ; Series: Series Title:  ; Series Title: Status: Subject(s): Summary: Title: /Title: Translator:  Type of Material: Uniform Title: Variant Title: Volumes Owned: Year: ======Format: `computer file`Abstract: Accession Number: Acquisition Source:Author: Call Number: City:  Copyright registration No.:Corporate Name: Database: /Description:  : Description:  ; Description: Dewey Class No.: Edition: Edition Information:Electronic File Info:Form/Genre: Geographic Area Code:Indexed In: ISBN: Keywords: Language Code: 2LC Classification: LC Control No.: Linked Items: Links: Location: Main Author: , 1Main Author: Main Title:  / Main Title: NAL Class No.: Notes: Number of Items: Number of Pages: Other Author(s): Other Title: Personal Name: Portion of Title: Published/Created:  ; : , .Published/Created: [ : , .]Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  [ , .]Published/Created:  , .Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , .Publisher: [ : , .]Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  [ , .]Publisher:  , .Publisher:  Quality Code: Record Number: Reference Type: Related Names: Related Titles: Reprint Edition: Responsibility: Series:  ; Series: Series Title:  ; Series Title: Status: Subject(s): Summary: Title: /Title: Translator: Type of Material: Uniform Title: Variant Title: Volumes Owned: Year: ====== Title: `edited by` Title: `Editors` Abstract:  Accession number:  Acquisition source:  Author:  Call Number:  City:  Copyright registration No.:  Corporate Name:  Database: / Description:  :  Description:  ; 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Published/Created: [ : , .] Published/Created: : , . Published/Created: : , . Published/Created: [ , .] Published/Created:  , . Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , . Publisher: [ : , .] Publisher: : , . Publisher: : , . Publisher: [ , .] Publisher:  , . Publisher:  Quality Code:  Record Number:  Reference Type:  Related Names:  Related Titles:  Reprint Edition:  Responsibility:  Series:  ;  Series:  Series Title:  ;  Series Title:  Status:  Subject(s):  Summary:  Title: / Title:  Translator:  Type of Material:  Uniform Title:  Variant Title:  Volumes Owned:  Year:  ======  Format: `[map]` Abstract:  Accession number:  Acquisition source:  Author:  Call Number:  City:  Copyright registration No.:  Corporate Name:  Database: / Description:  :  Description:  ;  Description:  Dewey Class No.:  Edition:  Edition Information:  Electronic File Info:  Form/Genre:  Geographic Area Code:  Indexed In:  ISBN:  Keywords:  Language Code: 2 LC Classification:  LC Control No.:  Linked Items:  Links:  Location:  Main Author: , 1 Main Author:  Main Title:  /  Main Title:  NAL Class No.:  Notes:  Number of Items:  Number of Pages:  Other Author(s):  Other Title:  Personal Name:  Portion of Title:  Published/Created:  ; : , . Published/Created: [ : , .] Published/Created: : , . Published/Created: : , . Published/Created: [ , .] Published/Created:  , . Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , . Publisher: [ : , .] Publisher: : , . Publisher: : , . Publisher: [ , .] Publisher:  , . 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Published/Created: [ : , .] Published/Created: : , . Published/Created: : , . Published/Created: [ , .] Published/Created:  , . Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , . Publisher: [ : , .] Publisher: : , . Publisher: : , . Publisher: [ , .] Publisher:  , . Publisher:  Quality code:  Record Number:  Reference Type:  Related Names:  Related Titles:  Reprint Edition:  Responsibility:  Series:  Series Title:  Status:  Subject(s):  Summary:  Title: / Title:  Translator:  Type of Material:  Uniform Title:  Variant Title:  Volumes Owned:  Year:  ======  Title: `[art original]` Abstract:  Accession Number:  Acquisition Source:  Author:  Call Number:  City:  Copyright Registration No.:  Corporate Name:  Database: / Description:  Dewey Class No.:  Edition:  Edition Information:  Electronic File Info:  Form/Genre:  Geographic Area Code:  Indexed In:  ISBN:  Keywords:  Language Code: 2 LC Classification:  LC Control No.:  Linked Items:  Links:  Location:  Main Author: , 1 Main Author:  Main Title:  /  Main Title:  NAL Class No.:  Notes:  Number of Items:  Number of Pages:  Other Author(s):  Other Title:  Personal Name:  Portion of Title:  Published/Created:  ; : , . Published/Created: [ : , .] Published/Created: : , . Published/Created: : , . Published/Created: [ , .] Published/Created:  , . Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , . Publisher: [ : , .] Publisher: : , . Publisher: : , . Publisher: [ , .] Publisher:  , . Publisher:  Quality Code:  Record Number:  Reference Type:  Related Names:  Related Titles:  Reprint Edition:  Responsibility:  Series:  Series Title:  Status:  Subject(s):  Summary:  Title: / Title:  Translator:  Type of Material:  Uniform Title:  Variant Title:  Volumes Owned:  Year:  ====== Format: `[Manuscript]` Description: `manuscript` Description: `transcript`Abstract: Accession number: Acquisition source:Author: Call Number: City:  Copyright registration No.:Corporate Name: Database: /Description:  : Description:  ; Description: Dewey Class No.: Edition: Edition Information:Electronic File Info:Form/Genre: Geographic Area Code:Indexed In: ISBN: Keywords: Language Code: 2LC Classification: LC Control No.: Linked Items: Links: Location: Main Author: , 1Main Author: Main Title:  / Main Title: NAL Class No.: Notes: Number of Items: Number of Pages: Other Author(s): Other Title: Personal Name: Portion of Title: Published/Created:  ; : , .Published/Created: [ : , .]Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  [ , .]Published/Created:  , .Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , .Publisher: [ : , .]Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  [ , .]Publisher:  , .Publisher:  Quality Code: Record Number: Reference Type: Related Names: Related Titles: Reprint Edition: Responsibility: Series:  ; Series: Series Title:  ; Series Title: Status: Subject(s): Summary: Title: /Title: Translator: Type of Material: Uniform Title: Variant Title: Volumes Owned: Year: ======Format: `[electronic resource]`Abstract: Accession number: Acquisition source:Author: Call Number: City:  Copyright registration No.:Corporate Name: Database: /Description:  : Description:  ; Description: Dewey Class No.: Edition: Edition Information:Electronic File Info:Form/Genre: Geographic Area Code:Indexed In: ISBN: Keywords: Language Code: 2LC Classification: LC Control No.: Linked Items: Links: Location: Main Author: , 1Main Author: Main Title:  / Main Title: NAL Class No.: Notes: Number of Items: Number of Pages: Other Author(s): Other Title: Personal Name: Portion of Title: Published/Created:  ; : , .Published/Created: [ : , .]Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  [ , .]Published/Created:  , .Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , .Publisher: [ : , .]Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  [ , .]Publisher:  , .Publisher:  Quality Code: Record Number: Reference Type: Related Names: Related Titles: Reprint Edition: Responsibility: Series:  ; Series: Series Title:  ; Series Title: Status: Subject(s): Summary: Title: /Title: Translator: Type of Material: Uniform Title: Variant Title: Volumes Owned: Year: ======Call Number: `Box` Description:`boxes` Description: `containers` Description:`ft.`Format:  `[chart]`Format: `[digital photograph]`Format: `[kit]`Format:  `[model]`Format:  `[realia]`Location:  `Postcards`Type of Material: `Serial`Abstract: Accession number: Acquisition source:Author: Call Number: City:  Copyright registration No.:Corporate Name: Database: /Description:  : Description:  ; Description: Dewey Class No.: Edition: Edition Information:Electronic File Info:Form/Genre: Geographic Area Code:Indexed In: ISBN: Keywords: Language Code: 2LC Classification: LC Control No.: Linked Items: Links: Location: Main Author: , 1Main Author: Main Title:  / Main Title: NAL Class No.: Notes: Number of Items: Number of Pages: Other Author(s): Other Title: Personal Name: Portion of Title: Published/Created:  ; : , .Published/Created: [ : , .]Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  : , .Published/Created:  [ , .]Published/Created:  , .Published/Created:  Publisher:  ; : , .Publisher: [ : , .]Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  : , .Publisher:  [ , .]Publisher:  , .Publisher:  Quality Code: Record Number: Reference Type: Related Names: Related Titles: Reprint Edition: Responsibility: Series:  ; Series: Series Title:  ; Series Title: Status: Subject(s): Summary: Title: /Title: Translator:  Type of Material: Uniform Title: Variant Title: Volumes Owned: Year: ======DD[ ] - . 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