NDNEEL2s&‹ÿÿÿÿÄAbstract: Accession No: Affiliation: 'Author(s): Availability: Call No/Shelfmark: Corp Author(s): Database: / -Database: /Details:  DOI: +Entry: Full Text: General Info: Geographic: Identifier: Language: 2Location: More Records: Named Corp: Named Person: Note(s): OCLC No: Other Titles:  Provider:0References: Responsibility: Source: " Vol. , No. . - P.  , Source:  Vol. , No. . - P.  Source:  Vol. , No. . - P. Source:  Vol. . - P.  , Source:  Vol. . - P.  Source:  Vol. . - P. Source: +| . - Vol. . - No. . - P.  , Source: '| . - Vol. . - No. . - P.  Source: !| . - Vol. . - P.  , Source: | . - Vol. . - P.  Source: | . - No. . - P.  , Source: | . - No. . - P.  Source: )| . - Vol. , No. . - P.  , Source: %| . - Vol. , No. . - P.  Source: !| . - Vol. . - P.  , Source: | . - Vol. . - P.  Source: | . - No. . - P.  , Source: | . - No. . - P.  Source: | . - P.  , Source:  No. . - P.  , Source:  No. . - P.  Source:  No. . - P. Source:  - P. Source: Standard No:  SUBJECT(S)Title: Update: Year:  ---Publication: `.`Publication: `1`Publication: `2`Abstract: Accession No: Affiliation: 'Author(s): Availability: Call No/Shelfmark: Corp Author(s): Database: / -Database: /Description: Details: Entry: Full Text: General Info: Geographic: Identifier: Language: 2Location: More Records: Named Corp: Named Person: Note(s): OCLC No: Other Titles:  Provider:0Publication:  Publication:  References: Responsibility: Series: ; ;Series: Source: Standard No:  SUBJECT(S)Title: Update: Year:  ---D[ ] - . D edited by D D#DHDed. HS H D: D$D%D&DDSLS!S"LDDDDD'DD. D( ) /ÿ- D SUBJECT(S) * DBook Analytic H: [ ] DOCLC: Dp. H[ ] D(Firm) DISSN: H2D-In an language . (Show non-Roman characters) ‡‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ ‚ Source: ;,  RRussian Acad Sci Bib (OCLC)OCLCÜLIMITATIONS 1. A certain amount of ambiguity in source data sometimes makes it impossible to parse, thus volume, issue, and date are sometimes imported into the Journal field and must be moved manually after importing.*Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies