ÿRSFTSTYLfšHarvardûû*British Standardsûû*MultidisciplinaryûûØ ÆThis is a generic style is based on the following British Standards: BS 5605:1990. Recommendations for citing and referencing published material. 2nd ed. B.S.I. BS 1629:1989. Recommendations for references to published materials. B.S.I. It should be remembered that the Harvard system has standards for the order and content of information in the reference, not the format or layout on the page. Many variations of layout are acceptable, provided they are used consistently. Please check with your institution or publisher for their specific requirements. You may need to modify this style to suit their particular instructions. Many institutions also have their own versions of the Harvard style available on their library pages.ûû!*Harvard (Generic)ûûN/AûûN/AûûP  !`pqrsƒt°xTyzd{  , !|  & ûû!xTydzd{  , !|  & ûû!uX}~dd, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!"`pqrsƒt°xTyzd{  , !|  & ûû!xTydzd{  , !|  & ûû!uX}~dd, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!#Jh Ø¡¢Èt‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—Ä‘’ “” •l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—h‘’ “” • –—Ä‘’ “”l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ì¡¢Üt‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—œ‘’ “” •D  , !0"(#$%&–—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘ ’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ð¡¢àt‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—Ä‘’ “” •l  . !X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ¨¡¢˜t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—¼‘ ’ “”H In: !0"(#$%&•, , ed.^eds.!–—t‘’ “”  ûû!• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  ûû!• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  : !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— D¡¢4t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –— ‘’ “”H RE: !0"(#$%&• –—Ä‘’ “”l  . !X"(#$%&"(#$%&• –—‘ ’ “”( Type to !• –˜˜—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— |¡¢lt‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  p.!• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –—  ¡¢t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—ì‘ ’ “”p In: !X"(#$%&"(#$%&•4 $ (ed.)^(eds.) !–—œ‘’ “” •D  . !0"(#$%&–—x‘’ “” •  edûû!–—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  : !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ¡ ¢ôŒ‘’ “” •4 $ (ed.)^(eds.) !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—œ‘’ “” •D  , !0"(#$%&–—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ¡ ¢øt‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— <¡¢,t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—¨‘ ’ “” •@ 0 patent application !–—˜˜h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— Ø¡¢Èt‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—Ô‘’ “” •|  [Online]ûû!X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  : !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—˜‘’ “”0 Available: ûû!• –˜˜ —t‘’ “”  ûû!• –—t‘’ “”  [ûû!• –—”‘’ “”, Accessed ûû!• –˜˜ —t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  ]ûû!• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ø¡¢èœ‘’ “” •D  , !0"(#$%&–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—˜‘’ “”0  Directed by !• –˜˜ —t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— ¸¡¢¨t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—Ô‘’ “” •|  [Online]ûû!X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—˜‘’ “”0 Available: ûû!• –˜˜ —t‘’ “”  ûû!• –— ‘’ “”, [Accessed !•  ]ûû!–˜˜ —t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –—  ¡¢t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—ì‘ ’ “”p In: !X"(#$%&"(#$%&•4 $ (ed.)^(eds.) !–—œ‘’ “” •D  . !0"(#$%&–—x‘’ “” •  edûû!–—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  : !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— 4¡+¢$t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—Ô‘’ “” •|  [Online]ûû!X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—t‘’ “”  . !• –— ‘’ “”8 (Available from: !• –˜˜—t‘’ “”  ûû!• –— ‘’ “”, [Accessed !•   ûû!–˜˜ —t‘’ “” •  ]ûû!–—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –—$%'p°±`²³P´µ¶´µ¶´µ¶&e()@ph‘+’ “” • –—|t‘"’ “”  , !• –—|t‘’ “”  , !• –—°¨‘’ “”P >, edited and translated by ûû!• –—*@D0  , !213  ¡¢üt‘’ “”  (ûû!• –—€‘’ “”  , !•  )ûû!–—A ¡¢ðt‘’ “” •   (!–—t‘’ “” •  )ûû!–—4@pqrsƒt xLyzd{ |$  and ûû!xLydzd{ |$  and ûû!uX}~ et al.ûû€‚, . . . vw B$  and ûû!C$  and ûû!5(°±²³64ÐÑÒ  -ûû!7dàá  ; !âåæç è 8X}~ et al.ûû€‚, . . . 9:;  , !<@=A>?@ |PQZ  , !RShpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!Thpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!UVWY ÀÁÂÃÄ$ Ibid.!Ì„|‘’ “”$ Ibid.ûû!• –—Å$ Ibid.!ÆÇ ÈÉ ÊèShpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!Thpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ûû!ËU[L|t‘+’ “”  , !• –—|t‘"’ “”  , !• –—|t‘’ “”  , !• –—°¨‘’ “”P >, edited and translated by ûû!• –—  `ab<dc, Anonymousûû!(@ABC `ðñòóôõö÷øùú