’RSFTSTYL–@œ$MLA 9th_230802:MLA Handbook, 9th EditionūūHumanitiesH 8The 9th version of the MLA handbook utilizes a "container" concept rather than concentrating on specific source types. This format is very flexible and there are multiple ways the same types of references can be cited. Always consult with your advisor for specific formatting if in doubt. In the MLA refernce schema, a container could reside within a larger one. Examples of containers within containers might include a book of short stories accessed via Google Books, a previously-broadcast television series viewed via Netflix, or even the electronic version of a journal accessed via JSTOR. As EndNote employs traditional reference fields provided via standard biblographic data sources, citing any idiosyncratic "containers within containers" may require manual modification of specific references. For pre-1900 works, Place Published may be substituted for Publisher. 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