ÿRSFTSTYLL h MicrobiologyVancouverûû Microbiology ¬  šThis output style is for the Microbiology Society Journals listed below. It was created at the end of February 2017 per instructions sent by their editorial staff. Microbiology Journal of General Virology Journal of Medical Microbiology International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology JMMCR Case Reports Microbial Genomics This style is based on what is commonly known as "Vancouver" or "Uniform Requirements", however, the correct name is "Citing Medicine" and details can be found here: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html Use the "Electronic Article" reference type for articles published ahead of print. Enter "Epub ahead of print" in the "Type of Work" field. This style requires some text to identify edited books with an "organizational `author'" that are published "jointly" to be printed before the place of publication. EndNote does not have a specific field for this. If you frequently cite such publications you will need to choose a field to use and modify the output style to print that field. The style has an example labeled "Other". The example is a software program. Use "Computer Program" for this. The style has been set up to the "Description" field for the text in the example which says "Distributed by the author". This style allows the option to remove issue numbers when a journal carries continuous pagination throughout a volume. EndNote cannot determine this and will always cite the issue if it is available.ûû! 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