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Manuscript Matcher

Introducing: Manuscript Matcher

You’ve done the hard work. Now we can help you easily find the ideal place for your work to be published.

Our new journal matching feature suggests the top candidates for your manuscript. Just choose the publications you want, and start the process for submitting your work to the most credible, high-quality journals that match your topic and references.

What sets Manuscript Matcher apart

  • Leverages meticulously indexed data from thousands of journals, across hundreds of global publishers
  • Uses patent-pending technology to analyze tens of millions of citation connections to identify meaningful relationships with your work
  • Prioritizes focused publication matches ahead of general journals using sophisticated clustering algorithms
  • Launch Manuscript Matcher from EndNote online, EndNote X9 desktop software, or even from your manuscript from the Cite While You Write toolbar in Microsoft Word.

The only tool that harnesses the breadth and accuracy of Web of Science to support your manuscript submission decisions.

How manuscript matching works

  • Start with a few key pieces of information: manuscript title, abstract, and references
  • Compare the journals to find the best place to submit your work
  • Start the process to submit your manuscript with links to the journal website

EndNote essentials

New to the EndNote world? Whether you’re writing a paper or manuscript, leading a research project, maintaining a CV, teaching a course or applying for a grant, here’s how EndNote X9 helps:

  • Makes your literature search fast and productive
  • Builds an organized research library
  • Collects full-text PDFs and adds your notes and annotations
  • Delivers the famously easy Cite While You Write in Microsoft® Word
  • Creates perfectly formatted bibliographies and in-text citations
  • Loves Mac® and Windows® equally
  • Keeps it all synced up – on your desktop, online and on the iPad® app

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