Import Filters

EndNote offers hundreds of import filters.

Use these filters to transfer information previously downloaded from an online database.

Use the Filter Finder below to search for a specific Information Provider.

Downloading and Installing Individual Filters

  1. Search and download the selected filter from the table to the left.
  2. Double-click the filter file to open in EndNote.
  3. In EndNote, click “File Menu” and choose “Save as”.  Remove the word “copy” and click “Save”.
  4. Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Filter”.

Have version X1 or prior? Click here for instructions.

Installing All Filters or Filters by Category

Mac OS:

  1. In EndNote, go to “Menu” and choose “Customizer”.
  2. Place a check next to all of the “Import Filters” you’d like.
  3. Click “Next” twice and “Done” to close the window.


  1. Go to “Control Panel” and choose “Add or Remove Programs” in Windows XP or “Programs and Features” in Windows Vista/7.  Select EndNote and choose “Change”.  Select the “Modify Option” and choose “Next”.
  2. Place a check next to “Additional Filters” and choose “Will be installed on local hard drive.”  Click the plus sign to select only specific filters.  Click “Next”.

Use of Downloaded Files

EndNote output styles are provided solely for use by licensed owners of EndNote and with the EndNote product. By downloading EndNote Styles, Filters, Connections, Templates and Updates you automatically agree to the terms of use.

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